Art Director - Fine Art Nude
Yuliya Panchenko Photography
The Ethereal Beauty project combined Yuliya's botanical beauty concept with fine art nude photography, inspired by Greek/Roman goddess statues such as Aphrodite and Venus Genetrix. T
o draw focus on the skin and marble-like tones with hints of green, a neutral tone palette was chosen. The beauty aspect was represented by floral arrangements accentuating the model's natural curves and youthfulness. To reflect High Classical influences, the model posed asymmetrically in a contrapposto stance, while silky drapery was used for added texture and dimension. The team's schedule and details were communicated through various channels, including the active Milanote website, phone, email, and Zoom. Post-production involved communicating with the editor for retouching comments and approval.
This project was featured in the Boudoir Master Course with a video covering the pre-planning and production. Due to the photoshoot's nature, there was no behind-the-scenes recording to maintain the model's privacy.